Monday, November 2, 2015

just the begining

I keep thinking back to the day, I knew nothing would ever be the same. It's a memory like a movie. It all started a year half ago May 23rd 2014 to be precise. My wife finally convinced me to go see a doctor after the limp I had kept getting worse. I would have to swing out my left leg just to walk. I google diagnosed my self because I am brilliant, and I was positive I had MS so that led us to a Neurology Dr. The doctor did a few test and asked some questions and said we needed an MRI ASAP. My better half had read a website that was about 7 steps to handle bad news the night before the appointment. So one of us was prepared for what was to come...or so i thought 

Standing at the counter to check out we were advised to come back at 5pm for the MRI. The nurse tells my wife that the doctor will call after he gets the MRI results but we should go home, pack a bag, and be ready to go to the hospital. Standing behind my wife at the nurses station I could tell by the look on the nurse's face that those 7 steps had gone out the window. My wife turned around her eyes swollen with tears. I remember holding her so tight trying to assure her that everything was going to be fine.

This wasn’t the afternoon we had planned. We had planned on going out to happy hour after the appointment but instead we rushing back to the house to pack a bag and plan for the uncertainty of the night. 

After packing an overnight bag we arrived back at the doctor's office for the MRI. After the 2 hour MRI and waiting for the results. The doctor calls with the results and tells that the MRI showed that I had sizeable mass on the right side of my brain. He tells us we need to go check in at Baylor ER. We met with several doctors in the ER that night, one of them a neurosurgeon who said with the size of the mass we need an operation as soon as possible. The next week was a blur calling family lots of testing and meeting with the surgeon and then the operation.

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